Wednesday, December 29, 2010

After Christmas Sale!

For a bit of knitting or crocheting on these chilly winter days, all our kits are on sale for 30% off until January 15th.  From the silly to the sublime, think how you might save money while indulging in sophisticated or whimsical knitting.

We'll start with the fun part - KuKu Dolls!  With basic knitting or crochet skills, you can knit or crochet, then felt the sweetest little person.  Although the materials are included, you can easily make this doll your own.  There is a nice selection available, though I can't guarantee that the dolls pictured will still be there.  Don't worry though - you'll find one you like!

For the sophisticated knitter, Why not indulge yourself (or someone else) in 100% cashmere!  The cashmere scarf kits come with 7 patterns - for either men or women.  Just pick the color that you like best and start knitting.  Each kit includes 350 yards of worsted weight yarn - enough for a generous scarf in any pattern you select.   

If the cashmere is a bit out of your budget, consider the Sampler Scarf - lovely colors and patterns to stretch your knitting skills and your budget..

This is just a taste of what you might find.  If you can't decide on a kit, we also have lots of single patterns that are also 30% off.  So with the new year right around the corner, start your resolution early - Knit in the New Year!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Time for Giving

With just a few days before Christmas you have some choices: 

1. Knit or crochet something lovely - There is still time for make a hat or scarf for someone you love.  Pick a simple pattern, choose some beautiful yarn and cast on.  I selected Cascade's Cash Vero, a merino, cashmere and acrylic blend yarn in a worsted weight that is destined to be a scarf for my sweetheart.  But if the recipient was my niece, I might make a scarf of Tokyo - there are some excellent new colors that just came in.

2. Buy something already made - With the many fiber artists who make the knitwear, quilts and accessories in our shop, you can always find something that is just right.  A man in your life?  We've got some fine hats with a masculine look, in natural colors or dyed yarns.  Something for a young lady?  We can make up a hat and scarf ensemble in colors that will coordinate with a favorite dress coat or ski jacket.  A baby's first Christmas?  A handmade quilt for the wall or the crib is an instant heirloom.

3. Give yarn - Now this can work a number of different ways.  Knitters and crocheters always like yarn, particularly a unique handspun yarn or a luxury skein that they want, but hesitate to buy for themselves.  If you have a friend or relative who admires your work, maybe its time to give the gift of a lesson.  Yarn, needles and your time may be the best gift you can give.  You could be the favorite auntie by dinner time!

4. Give yarn and a promise - If you are a knitter who is out of time, why not give a heart-felt promise?  A pair of socks will be every bit as welcome in February as they are on December 25th - maybe even more so.  After all, it will still be cold long after the holiday hubbub dies down.  Choose a bright color!  In the gray days of winter, it will be just what the knitter - and the recipient - will need.

5. What about a Gift Certificate?  I know that some people think that gift certificates are impersonal, but I choose to differ.  A gift certificate at my favorite store - a yarn shop - means that I get to pick my own present.  I can get a head start on the sweater I want to knit, pick out a hat that is perfect for me, or even knit something for someone else.

What ever you choose, it's hard to go wrong.  We are well-stocked with yarns and beautiful hand made things.  Drop by and finish up your shopping by supporting local artists and crafts people.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

We Wish Ewe a Merry Christmas

If you are doing your holiday shopping for the knitters or non-knitters on your list, you can find a little something at the shop these days.  Of course you can knit scarves or hats or socks for your family and friends, and knitters never mind getting yarn or a great book, but you can also purchase a fun gift from our collection.

Sending Christmas cards?  This is what my friends and family will see when they open their envelopes.  Irish illustrator Thomas Joseph gives us whimsical sheep on cards as well as on mugs for drinking that steaming cuppa.   There are also some fun kitchen sets - towels, oven mitts & potholders also with whimsical sheep motifs from Wacky Woolies.

If wearables are more to your taste, our local fiber artists are knitting, crocheting and weaving hats, scarves, shawls, accessories and more.  Our selection is excellent right now ranging from sophisticated to funky, classic to modern.  And you'll know that there won't be another hat just like yours.  Support your local artists - they put love and care and fine craftsmanship into every thing they make.

We're open late Friday and Saturday evenings so drop by.  On Friday night bring your yarn and needles and join us for sit and knit.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Staying Warm

As the weather turns chilly, here in Asheville or wherever you may live, it's time to stay warm in a cozy hat or scarf.  With a number of talented knitters and crocheters in our region, we can offer you some terrific choices.  Wild and crazy?  We've got that.  Playful?  We've got that too.  Subtle and sophisticated?  Well, I could go on and on, but I'll spare you.

I will say that the array of hand made hats and scarves grows everyday as the talented artisans deliver their most recent creations ready for you to select a gift for yourself or the people you love.  And we can just about guarantee that you won't see a dozen others just like it next time you are out and about.

If you're rather make your own accessories, we can help you select a pattern and yarns to make something uniquely yours.  We carry a number of new books as well as patterns from our own designers.  Some yarns include a free pattern with purchase. 

A new yarn in the shop, that will make a lovely hat, scarf or even mittens is Viking Balder.  All wool, it's soft and gently variegated and it comes in a big hank - 137 yards.  Two skeins would make a hat and very generous scarf.  The brown or gray colors would work nicely for men or women and the bulky weight makes it a quick knit.

Drop by on any Friday night to sit and knit. We'll be happy to get you started on a new project or bring whatever you're knitting right now.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


OK, I admit it.. I love mohair.  The way the halo surrounds the knitted piece - hat, sweater, scarf - it doesn't matter what.  Could be a throwback to my childhood when my teenage babysitter wore a pink mohair sweater that I truly coveted.  Sadly (or not), they were out of style when I reached adolescence, so I never had my chance. 

Luckily for knitters, mohair is back and it's not quite the same.  Asheville Homecrafts was some sweet mohair in stock right now.  New to the shop is Karabella Verona.  It's a big loopy boucle - it will knit up as a bulky yarn.  Available in a couple of muted variegated colors (I love the autumn medley!), I can see this as a long skinny scarf.  Cast on say 9 stitches on about a size 13 needle, knit every row, then cast off when you have about a yard left.  You're done! Buy one in every shade and your holiday gift knitting will be done and the recipients will look fabulous!

That's not the only mohair selection on the shelf.   Also new in the shop is Mohair Royal from Plymouth Yarns in lots of pretty colors.  Eighty percent kid mohair with a nylon binder, I like this on it's own or as a carry-along yarn.  Cleckeaton Studio is a mohair/acrylic blend that is soft and lovely and comes in a number of colors. 

For pure luxury, pick Kid Seta.  Mohair and silk, this soft, luscious yarn is a delight to wear next to the skin! It is light and airy, yet surprisingly warm and it comes in a ball with great yardage.  I bought a solid color to combine with a tweedy yarn for a tone-on-tone, texture-on-texture look.  I'll try to post a picture once the hat makes its way out of my imagination and onto the needles.  I've got plans for Kid Seta.

These are just a few of the mohair yarns - there are lots more.  Look in the mohair section - opposite the sock yarn in the sections arranged by color.  Then sit down and knit (or crochet) with us on any Friday night.  Mohair is optional; fun and good company are always in good supply.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Where Did October Go?

Well, it just flew by! The leaves are still beautiful in Western North Carolina, and fall is definitely in full swing. Last weekend found us very busy with both the Craft Fair of the Southern Highlands at the Asheville Civic Center and the Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair (SAFF) going on. Both festivals attract our customers and friends. Thanks to everyone who came by the shop or our booth at SAFF - we had a great time seeing old friends and making new ones.  A very special thanks to our regular knitters who joined us to help staff the shop and the booth.  We couldn't have done it without you! 

For your knitting or crochet pleasure, today's yarn is  Mushishi by Plymouth. It's a wool-silk blend and comes in an absolutely huge skein - 491 yards - 250 grams.  Not only that, the yarn label includes free patterns -  a hat and scarf set to either knit or crochet.  We currently have 7 colors in stock.  Mushishi is multicolored, subtly selfstriping  and sweetly textured - kind of tweedy look but very soft.  Holiday knitting?  Think about creating a luxurious scarf, a shawl or maybe even a sweater for your self or someone you love.

Drop by the shop any Friday evening for our friendly Sit and Knit.  Bring your current project or start a new one.  We always have the yarns to make your great ideas happen!

Monday, September 27, 2010

New Yarn: Fatter Sheep

There's a new sheep in town - and it's fatter that you thought!  New at Asheville Homecrafts is Fatter Sheep yarn from Farmhouse Yarns.  Fatter Sheep yarn is hand dyed in semi-solids and multicolor skeins.  Sweet or vibrant, the shop has lots of colors so you should find colors that you like.  It's 99% wool with a nylon binder, giving the yarn a good bit of texture.  The call it 'Fatter Sheep' for a reason - it's a very bulky yarn - perfect for knitting on size 10.5 to size13 needles.  And it's put up in big skeins - 150 yards at 5.5 ounces for $24.  Long yarns mean fewer knots in your knitting or crochet -and fewer ends to weave in. But the nature of the dyeing means that you might want to alternate your knitting between 2 skeins.

Keep your eye on the blog this week - I'll keep tempting you with yummy and luscious yarns!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

All Stocked Up: Needle Felting

Whether you want to make lovely flowers, adorable animals, tiny people, even jewelry, visit our needle felting section.  If you've already discovered needle felting, than you know how much fun it can be to jab wool with sharp needles.  If you are new to needle felting, you can begin to create amazing 3 dimensional wool sculptures. 

We've recently received a number of new books and supplies.  Check out A Touch of Felt by Lynn Farris, Simply Needlefelt by Jayne Emerson or any of the other books for instructions and inspiration.   But woman (or man) cannot felt by books alone - we must have supplies!  And that means fiber and needles and just maybe a few other supplies.  Take a look at our range of natural fibers from local farms as well as hand-dyed roving from our favorite artists.  We have wool, mohair, alpaca, silk and more ready to be transformed by your imagination and a few pokes of the needle. 

If you are just getting started, our staff is happy to help you.  Drop by any time, but make Friday evening your special time to sit and knit.  We gather 'round the table, starting a project, helping one another, or just knitting among friends - old and new.

Just a note to our readers:  Many of these blog posts are created by AnneMarie, one of the many fiber artists who work with Judy and Marie to make Asheville HomeCrafts the exciting Asheville fiber center that it is.  If you have an idea for a blog post, leave a note in the comments. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Opening Day at the Fair

It's opening day at the 2010 North Carlina Mountain State Fair. It begins on Friday, September 10th and runs through Sunday, September 19th. As always Marie and Judy will be demonstrating spinning and basket making while selling a number of handmade items - many that they make at the fair. Look for the Asheville HomeCrafts sign in the the Heritage Walk area.

While you are there, stop by the exhibit building to see the knitting, dyeing, weaving, spinning crochet and other work that people have entered. The quilts are always amazing and so are the baskets and heirloom sewing. Giant pumpkins? We got 'em! Jams and Jellies? we got those too! Al kinds of handmade food and craft items, plus student work, amazing flowers, and so much more.

Asheville HomeCrafts, the Shop in the Grove Arcade will remain open throughout the fair, so if you are inspired by the blue ribbon winners - or the 'people's choice' award that you would give, treat yourself to the yarn , fiber or needles that will get you the blue ribbon next year!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

NC Mountain State Fair - Won't be long now!

Start planning your annual trek to the 2010 North Carlina Mountain State Fair. It begins on Friday, September 10th and continues through Sunday, September 19th. As always Marie and Judy will be demonstrating spinning and basket making while selling a number of handmade items - many that they make at the fair. Look for the Asheville HomeCrafts sign in the the Heritage Walk area.

Have you ever entered some thing that you made? Have you (or your children or friends) shown sheep or goats or a sweet calf? How about that fabulous jelly that you made? or the beautiful squash that you grew? Don't mind saying, it's kind of fun! Many area hand spinners, knitters, quilters, weavers and crocheters enter, and the competition is strong. So think about entering that hand dyed yarn, a particularly beautiful hand knit hat or pair of mittens. The prizes aren't breathtaking (unless you ace a cooking contest), so don't quit your day job! But the bragging rights are rather nice. So take a look at the competitions page and check the registration dates - they are coming up soon.

You could listen to music, ride the rides, visit the midway, eat cotton candy, but really, wouldn't you just rather talk to the animals? Even if you are not showing sheep or entering your finest hot peppers or amazing sweater, come by the little 'log cabin' to visit. The wool breeds sheep show and fleece show are September 18th and 19th. Take in a bit of fiber on the hoof!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ecological Wool

After last week's post about the 'bling-ful' Feza novelty yarns, this week's post is all natural. One of my favorite yarns is Cascade Yarn's Ecological Wool. Although Asheville Homecrafts carries a few of the dyed shades, right now the natural colors are very well stocked. In creamy ivory, several different browns, many shades of grey and combinations, they are in the colors of real sheep. The hanks are huge - 478 yards and 250 grams (almost 9 ounces). If you are making a sweater, that is way fewer ends to weave in than your average 100 yard skein!

The shop has 2 sample sweaters for you to see, touch, maybe even knit for yourself. The top photo (courtesy of Cascade yarns - my own photo isn't quite this nice!) - is a lovely pullover that transitions from one color to the next. Knit in the round, it's a good introduction to 2-color knitting as you work the transition rows. The other sample sweater is a basic raglan pullover - a perfect first sweater for the new knitter ready to move on to a more involved - but not difficult - project. Both patterns are available free when you buy the yarn - Just ask!

The lower photo is not a store sample but was made by a local knitter. It's a variation of Jared Flood's Cobblestone that was knitted in color 8087 - a rich chocolate brown. Also a raglan construction, it was knit with size 9 needles and took about only about 2 1/2 skeins. Because of the large gauge and pleasant hand of Eco Wool, it was a relatively quick knit. Now this yarn isn't baby-soft. It's a bit rugged, but that is one of its charms.

Note that the sweater wasn't quite finished when this photo was taken. The intrepid knitter reworked the neckline to make it fit more closely - more 'manly.' Once finished, this pullover was worn a good bit last winter, when wool sweaters were all the rage in our chilly mountain climate.

Knitters review took a look at Eco Wool a while back - check out what Clara had to say. Of course Ecological Wool is just one of the many yarns to choose from. There are so many others that it boggles the mind. But for a good, basic, natural, economical yarn, this may just get your vote.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Amazing Ribbon Yarns

It seems like we can't stop talking about the new yarns in the shop - I guess that's because there are always new yarns, as well as new colors of your favorite yarns. We have several yarns from Feza as well as knitted samples in the store and free patterns available when you purchase them. Just ask!

'Alp Premier' comes in a generous 200 yard skein that changes as you knit. With different fibers and colors and textures, it's great for scarves and shawls knit on big needles. Colors are exciting, with tone-on-tone reds, and greens and browns in addition to luscious jewel-tone and earthy mixes.

'Dazzle' is another combination yarn featuring eyelash, shiny ribbon, thick 'n thin, metallic and see-through fibers that combine for an effect that is... well... dazzling! Again, lots of colorful choices and put up in a 210 yard skein, so you can make your scarves or shawls quite generous.

Rounding out this offering is Feza's Tokyo. It's thick 'n' thin, this time in a single rich color. On it's own or with other yarns (think hairpin lace), this yarn adds depth and texture to your knitting.

We have lots of other ribbon yarns in stock, including the Euro line - great yarn at a lower price. It doesn't matter whether you like glittery brights, lots of texture or subtle shades, with lots of choices in every price range, we can help you put together an exciting project, no matter what you want to knit or crochet.

Friday, July 23, 2010


What might these sparkly jewel colors be?

Why, it's the lovely luscious LaBoheme Starburst from Fiesta yarns, of course! It is constructed of 2 strands of yarn. One is a fluffy mohair blend that gives the yarn a wonderful body and depth. The other strand is a rayon boucle wrapped with mylar to give it sheen and sparkle. Lots of sparkle! This order just in, a full range of colors in stock right now.

Think about this yarn in an open and airy scarf, maybe combined with a solid base yarn in a hairpin lace scarf. Want to learn Hairpin lace? Drop by on Friday evening's Sit 'n' Knit for a quick lesson. Then you are on your way!

Note to shoppers: Be aware that the weekend of July 23-25, 2010 is Bele Chere, Asheville big summer street party. So while the festival is great fun with amazing music, crafts, food, vendors and lots of people, it makes driving and parking tricky. Please come down, but wear your walking shoes!

New Yarns!

In June Marie and Judy took a trip to The National NeedleArts Association trade show in Columbus, Ohio and did they bring back some goodies! Just strolling around the shop, I found any number of yummy yarns. It will take more than one blog post to tell you all about what's happening.

Two new yarns from U-Knitted Nations are Handspun Bouquet and Giant Purls. Both yarns are big fun - Quick knits on size 19 needles. Handspun Bouquet is spun thick and thin with yarn flowers and leaves built right into the yarn. There is a free pattern for a cowl available at the store with a lovely sample made up for you to try on. You know you'll want to knit one!

Giant Purls has, well, big balls of fiber tied into the yarn. Perfect for a dramatic and cozy scarf - there is a free pattern for that too.

Thanks to U-Knitted Nations for the photo of their exciting Handspun Bouquet.

Also new and fun is the 'Ripley' hat kit from Knit Whits. This cap should look good on men or women of all ages - just pick the color combination that you like the best. Although a bit more exacting knit in a smaller gauge - about a size 5 needle - this is a classic style that you'll want to knit and wear.

The packaging is lovely too - perfect for a gift to a knitter as well as from a knitter. Think of the possibilities!

I'll be back soon to tell you about the new yarns and new colors from Ironstone. Trust me - drool-worthy!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Yarns and Colors from Ironstone

When last we met, I told you about new yarns still arriving from the fabulous TNNA show in Columbus. We can't all go, but Judy and Marie did and did they order some fun yarns. If you are an Ironstone fan, don't go away!

Well- named Ironstone Pizzaz is a multi-strand novelty yarn made up of a cotton boucle, an eyelash, and a glittery metallic. It's perfect for scarves knit or crochet in a big gauge. Super easy and quick - and - dare I say it - lots of pizzaz! Another amazing Ironstone yarn is 'Sun.' They've again taken 3 strands to make this yarn. This time it's a rayon ribbon yarn, a boucle and a metallic. Both yarns come in lovely jewel colors and generous yardages.

If it's wool you need, the shop also has 2 new Ironstone bulky wool yarns. Sherpa Wool is a big booucle wool - another fast knit on about a #15 needle. The colors are intense - lime green, magenta, red violet and a variegated that should work with either of the warm colors. Very cozy! Ironstone's New Wool is another bulky, this time a thick & thin yarn in more great colors.

Last but not least, one of this writer's favorite yarns: Sunset! Asheville HomeCrafts has been carrying it for the last few seasons, and I love it for hats and scarves. Marie & Judy have always carried a nice range of colors, but the new season's colors are even prettier. I won't try to describe them - you have to see them and pet them. Mostly mohair and metallic with a bit of wool and acrylic, this yarn adds texture and sparkle. These quick photos can't even come close to doing it justice - it's so much better in person!

What else is new? Lots! Check back to this blog as there are still even more yarns to tempt you with. Better yet, drop by the store where there's always something new.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer is for Sock Knitting

Socks are such a delight for travel knitting, for hot weather knitting and for gift knitting. I love to knit socks. They are interesting enough to keep your attention but small enough to finish, even if the pattern is a bit tricky. Now you do have to knit the second sock and that is sometimes more difficult than it sounds.

Right now we have an excellent array of sock yarns for you to choose from in self striping or faux Fair Isle, solids or semi-solids or just about anything in between. Here are just a couple...

Plymouth's Happy Feet is a great yarn in 90% superwash merino and 10% nylon for added strength. It comes in semi-solids and multicolors and knits up quickly, even in a tiny gauge. The yarn itself is nicely spun, so you can knit by touch alone - great for socks in a simple pattern. The socks shown here were knit by one of our customers.

Berroco makes wonderful sock yarns too and we have a very wide selection. Both Berroco Sox and Metallic Sox come in just about any color combination that you feel like knitting. These are also a washable wool/nylon blend that is as easy on the eyes as it is on the pocketbook.

For even more color and fiber choices, we carry a number of Schoeller & Stahl yarns in their Fortissima and Mexico lines, cotton blend sock yarns and lots more. The sock yarn wall seems to get bigger and bigger and the color and fiber choices just keep expanding. These few are only the tip of the iceberg!

Last, but certainly not least, we have a selection of hand-dyed sock yarns from an indie dyer right here in Asheville. Bright colors or subtle shades, AnneMarie (aka Smoky Mountain Fibers) has fun tending the dyepots. Look for some new green and blue yarns coming your way!

So if the heat makes sweaters seem superfluous and cozy baby blankets just too, well...cozy, it may just be the summer of socks! Small, lightweight, a little bit challenging and so appreciated when the cooler weather comes back!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

What's New?

As we go into our summer season, quilts take center stage. With wall quilts, table runners and crib quilts, the quilters of Western North Carolina run the range from very traditional to well... kind of wild.

Frances Owl Smith lives in Waynesville, North Carolina. She is the embodiment of modern quilting in our area. Her piecing is superb; her freeform quilting fits the space beautifully. But what makes Frances's quilts really stand out is her sense of color. The greens, the teals, the purples, the blues - they all work together to make a magical quilt that would be at home in your home.

Quilted table runners are a great way to dress up your table. Change your runner to fit the season, to match your dishes, or just to fit your mood. Affordable works of art, our selection changes all the time. Stop by and see what's new.

Many of our quilters will be happy to custom make a bed-size quilt for you. Stop in and see Judy or Marie; they will be happy to help you.

We always welcome visitors to our store. Friday evening Sit and Knit will find any number of knitters and crocheters making socks and hats and scarves. Judy and Marie, as well as experienced knitters assist newer knitters as they cast-on for the very first time, turn the heel of a sock or make baby booties. Bring your current project or start a new one from the always-changing yarns you'll find in our store.

Monday, March 15, 2010

New Yarns!

Asheville Home and Crafts has even more fun yarns for you to enjoy as we slowly move into spring. We have a lovely new Super Cotton from Schulana that is very soft and pliable. We also have two new yarns from the Queensland Collection - Sugar Rush and Haze. Sugar Rush, appropriately, is made out of %100 sugar cane! However, we do not recommend chewing on it if your project is not going well. :) Haze is a variegated cotton/corn viscose fiber, in a great selection of colors. In addition we have a new yarn from Linie, "Toledo", which is smooth with a great sheen - perfect for projects where you want to show off little details. Canela has a new hand-dye rayon, acrylic, and cotton variegated yarn in even more fabulous colors. We also just got in more Eco-Wool - Peruvian highland wool - in natural and dyed colors. A great value at 478 yards for only $15.
We also have a new local artist who is bringing us hand-painted silk roving. It feels amazing, and the colors are bright and vibrant. Perfect for spinning or needle felting!

You don't have to stop knitting just because the weather is getting warmer! We have many non-wool yarns that you can use all year round. Also, a great project for warmer weather is the Hair-Pin Lace Scarf. It's a great way to use embellishment yarns (of which we always have a great selection), and is light and cool for spring. All you need is a hair-pin lace tool, only $8 in our store, 70-90 yards of fun yarns, and a crochet hook. Even if you've never crocheted before, we promise you can learn! We'll happily give you lessons and a free pattern.

The first Asheville Art Walk of the season is Friday, April 2. A great way to see the galleries of Asheville, nibble on yummy finger food, and appreciate great art. We'll be open late, so come by and see all the new yarns, as well as our hand-made hats, shawls, quilts, and other goodies. Also on that and every Friday is our Sit & Knit session. Everyone is invited to come by and knit or crochet with us. You can ask questions if you're stuck, or even learn how to knit and make your very first project. All are invited for the fun! Until then, happy crafting!