Sunday, June 6, 2010

What's New?

As we go into our summer season, quilts take center stage. With wall quilts, table runners and crib quilts, the quilters of Western North Carolina run the range from very traditional to well... kind of wild.

Frances Owl Smith lives in Waynesville, North Carolina. She is the embodiment of modern quilting in our area. Her piecing is superb; her freeform quilting fits the space beautifully. But what makes Frances's quilts really stand out is her sense of color. The greens, the teals, the purples, the blues - they all work together to make a magical quilt that would be at home in your home.

Quilted table runners are a great way to dress up your table. Change your runner to fit the season, to match your dishes, or just to fit your mood. Affordable works of art, our selection changes all the time. Stop by and see what's new.

Many of our quilters will be happy to custom make a bed-size quilt for you. Stop in and see Judy or Marie; they will be happy to help you.

We always welcome visitors to our store. Friday evening Sit and Knit will find any number of knitters and crocheters making socks and hats and scarves. Judy and Marie, as well as experienced knitters assist newer knitters as they cast-on for the very first time, turn the heel of a sock or make baby booties. Bring your current project or start a new one from the always-changing yarns you'll find in our store.

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