Monday, May 9, 2011

Asheville Yarn Crawl - May 13-15, 2011

We are happy to be a part of the first annual Asheville Yarn Crawl.

What's a yarn crawl?  Well, the independent yarn shops throughout Western North Carolina and even into upstate South Carolina want to make sure that the fiber enthusiasts and artists are well acquainted with all the shops  as well as the companies that supply and distribute the yarns and accessories we carry.

So much like a studio tour, there is a self guided itinerary for the exploration of participating stores, fiber farms, and galleries. Start here at the historic Grove Arcade as you support your local Western North Carolina fiber crafts community and stores by participating in this fun event! Yarn companies are contributing full sized samples of yarns, needles, and other great products that are included in the raffle baskets that will be available at every store along the crawl. There is one raffle basket in each store, and everyone is eligible to enter the raffle!

The best part of all, this entire event is FREE! There is no charge to participate in the crawl, and every participant is entitled to one free raffle ticket from each store they visit.

This is a great way to thank our regular customers for supporting our business, but it's also a way for you to see what other stores have and meet other fiber junkies.  So come by any time this weekend, check out the specials and register for this very cool basket of yarny goodness.

Coming up very soon:  The Carolina Fiber Fest in Raleigh, NC on May 20-22, 2011.  We'll be there.  Watch this space for upcoming news!

Friday evening is always sit and knit time, so drop by with your project or start a new one.  Maybe you'll win the prize, but you won't know until Sunday evening!  Who's feeling lucky?